We Help People With Peripheral Neuropathy
Relieve Pain, Improve Strength and Regain Mobility so They Move Freely and Easily...
...without pills, Injections, or risky surgical procedures
Discover how our ground-breaking Natural Neuropathy Solution helps people resolve neuropathic pain and disability, so they move more freely and easily than they’ve done in years...
Our clients succeed because we provide effective protocols that resolve the underlying causes of neuropathy...

The pain has reduced considerably, my feet have stopped waking me up at night, and my walking has improved significantly.

My balance has improved significantly, my legs are much stronger, and walking has become much easier.

My strength, balance, and control are all much better, I now have better control of my feet and walking is a lot easier.
Struggling With Nerve Pain, Sensory Problems and Muscle Weakness?
Have you been told that nothing can be done and you simply have to live with it?
Have you taken pill after pill after pill – all to no avail?
Have you tried exercises, supplements, and tens machines only to end up disaapointed?
If you can relate to any of this, I want you to know that There’s Still Hope!
Our proven approach has helped many others resolve their problems so they’re no longer held back by pain and disability.

The Truth About Your Neuropathy
The fundamental reason for your neuropathy is Nerve Damage
You must stop the damage, and accelerate repair and healing – or else things will continue to deteriorate
The problem is that conventional methods don’t do this...
If you’re like most of the people I work with, you’ve probably been given pills like gabapentin, amitriptyline, and duloxetine for pain
But these don’t stop the damage or enhance healing
They neither address the cause of the problem, nor assist repair
That's why they don’t work!
They allow your nerves to continue sustaining damage, and that leads to more pain and greater disability
You may have been told that nothing more can be done, that you have to live with it
But that’s simply not true...
There is another way
It involves resolving the cause of the problem and enhancing repair and healing
It’s different, and it challenges convention
But It Works!
It has helped many clients resolve their neuropathy and get their lives back!
And there’s a chance it might help you too
Learn more about how it works in this brand-new free online seminar in which I show you how my clients achieve lasting results following this unique process
Meet Ade Sanni B.Sc., D.C., QNCP., CFMP

Ade originally trained as a Chiropractor and graduated in 1995. He has since completed several post-graduate programmes, and is now certified in many additional disciplines including Functional Medicine, Functional Nerve Rehabilitation, Applied Kinesiology, and various techniques derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine.
His experience, and work with advanced medical systems inspired his development of an innovative approach that integrates proven medical technologies and therapies with effective self-care strategies to relieve pain, and restore normal neurological function to help those suffering with peripheral neuropathy.
He says, 'Although people are often told that they have to live with their neuropathy, my experience is that
when you stop nerve damage and restore normal function, the nervous system heals and things improve.
The Natural Neuropathy Solution employs an effective natural approach that resolves neuropathy symptoms using safe, gentle and pain-free protocols that get results without dangerous side effects. Several clients have found this approach extremely beneficial, and I’m excited to make it available to more people.'
Discover how my unique system is helping people
resolve their neuropathy, overcome pain and disability
so they get their lives back!
This Free Seminar Provides The Answers You've Been Looking For
In this seminar I’ll share:
→ The Real Reason why over 59% of UK diabetics develop neuropathy
→ A common mistake people with neuropathy make when seeking relief (and what to do instead)
→ How I help clients relieve nerve pain and regain normal nerve function without even seeing them in person!
→ Why exercise is minimally effective in neuropathy. New discovery shows a smarter way to stronger legs, improved stability and better balance
→ A simple step by step system that can eliminate neuropathy symtoms in as little as 30 days!