3 Critical Steps You Must Take To Resolve Your Neuropathy
Step #1 - Stopping Nerve Damage
Step #2 – Accelerating Repair & Healing
Step #3 – Optimising Neurological Function
Step #1 - Stopping Nerve Damage
When you’re suffering with neuropathy, it’s easy to become frustrated when standard treatments like pills and physical therapy don’t relieve your symptoms. But there’s a reason such interventions aren’t effective...
It’s because they’re not resolving the underlying cause of the problem.

Neuropathy is ultimately due to nerve damage, and unless the cause of the damage is identified and resolved, the problem will continue to deteriorate.
When you stop the damage, you stop the deterioration, and that gives the nerves a chance to heal.​
​​And when your nerves heal, your condition invariably improves.
Trying to fix neuropathy with pills or other methods that don’t stop the damage is like trying to fix a wet ceiling by plastering over it… when water’s continually streaming in through a hole in the roof!
That just doesn’t make sense.
Without stopping the damage, there’s no hope of successful resolution.
There is a better way.
Step #2 - Accelerating Repair & Healing
Tissue healing and repair are integral to recovery from any illness, injury, or condition.
Although there are several issues that influence nerve healing and repair, one of the most fundamental is nutrition sufficiency.
Important nutrients (e.g. vitamin D, B vitamins, Iron, Copper etc.) are essential to proper neurological function, and if you’re deficient in these, you’re going to struggle to heal.
Another crucial element is circulation because tissues only heal when they receive adequate circulation.
This is why neuropathy is frequently associated with circulation problems.
In such cases, the circulation must be corrected promptly to limit neurological damage and ensure nerves receive adequate circulation so they can heal as quickly as possible.

Boosting circulation and getting essential nutrients are 2 effective strategies that accelerate neurological healing repair.
They are critical aspects of my neuropathy resolution programme.
Step #3 - Optimising Neurological Function
Peripheral Neuropathy is almost always progressive. It typically begins slowly, and gradually worsens over time.
The progressive deterioration is due to a gradual reduction and decline in nerve function.
This is because your nerves operate a ‘use it or lose it’ system, and when they’re not used (i.e. there is reduced function) they ‘atrophy’ or waste away.
The ‘atrophy’ causes neuropathy symptoms like nerve pain, numbness, tingling, pins and needles, and muscle weakness, balance problems and so on.
To have any chance of reversing these problems, nerve function needs to be upregulated and enhanced.

This is achieveable with specialised neural optimisation protocols and techniques that reestablish normal nerve function, relieve pain, and recover normal strength and sensation.
Such strategies have helped countless people relieve their neuropathy, eliminate disability and live normal happy lives.
There is a way to be free of neuropathy.